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Maeve Quinlan

Many thanks to my good friend nb, who has sent me some shots from 'Natural Born Killers.' I believe Maeve appeared in the car scenes where Mickey and Mallorie are being chased by the devil. I'm just awaiting confirmation on this from Maeve. In the meantime, check out nb's Marissa Tait Appreciation page for more 'Bold And The Beautiful' stuff!

Maeve has informed me that she is off to the Best Buddies Ball in Washington this coming Friday. She informed me "Best Buddies is a charity that benefits those with mental retardation. We raise money for programs which promote one on one friendships and job opportunities for them. Some of the big time agencies like CAA, UTA, William Morris etc. have hired them in the mailroom."
The Ball is being hosted by Kevin Spacey and chaired by President Clinton at Sargent and Eunice Shriver's home in Maryland. Maeve has also PROMISED to finish work on our exclusive interview soon!!!

You've probably read this story in the gossip columns that Maeve is currently seeing Dan McVicar from 'The Bold & The Beautiful.' This story is entirely untrue, and, as Maeve told me, "We are absolutely amused by it. It's so funny because we've never even had a scene together." There you go, you heard it here first! (Jerry sits back and looks rather smug for getting an exclusive!) .

I'm just awaiting some diary updates from Maeve and as soon as those are through, they will be on this site. In the
meantime, there's a great new publicity shot on the gallery page!

Okay guys, the site is now pretty much up and running. I'm just awaiting the return of some questions from Maeve for the interview page and the addition of articles and pictures, and then we'll be fully up and running. Don't forget to e-mail me if you want to be informed whenever the site is updated. See you again soon!

Well guys you've caught me before I'm unpacked, but nevermind, welcome anyway. The links are up and running and so is the Introduction. Maeve has kindly agreed to do an exclusive interview for the site and I will be adding a photo gallery, biography and loads more in the coming days. I hope you enjoy the site and will visit often. Thanks for dropping by!